
At the end of March, I was able to take some time off from work to go to New Jersey with my parents to see some family for Passover. I didn't take any pictures during the Passover Seder, which now I'm starting to regret. Oh well, lessons learned. I was able to spend some time after dinner with my little cousins, Amy and Sharon. They're at the age that they're so social and playful, and are definitely not shy of the camera. The only problem is they love getting in my face, and all I really got were a couple of headshots. Sarah is at the age now that she's getting shy of the camera, and definitely was shy putting on a mini viola recital for us. I was able to get a couple quick snapshots at least.

Please let me know what you think!

Sharon plays by my feet.

Sarah looks up a word in the dictionary.

Amy playing at my feet.


Viola recital!

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